Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Taking It Slow

Monday marked the start of week three. Aileen had the brilliant idea to repeat week two before moving on to the additional miles of week three. I agreed that it would be a great way to build up a little more strength before progressing. Sometimes taking it slow in the beginning is a far better decision than pushing it. So, this week we will run two 3 mile runs and a 4 mile long run before advancing to two 3.5 mile runs and a 5 mile long run. We have about 3-4 extra weeks to play with because the program is 12 weeks and the half isn't until May 16th. This is a beautiful thing.

As for my personal running, I feel stronger. It sounds ridiculous that only 2.5 weeks back on track could produce results, but I think it's happening. I'm enjoying my running days, starting to notice improvement in endurance, and generally feeling good about things.

I had an epiphany a few days ago: About a year ago, I stopped exercising when I felt stressed and started turning to other, less savory, outlets. BAD IDEA. I feel about a million times better when I workout after a stressful day than when I have an emotional meltdown (or a drink). Maybe it took a few months off the wagon to realize this or maybe I'm becoming a bit more rational. I'll chalk it up to running because we all know I am farrrr from rational. Whatever the case though, these past few weeks of running have felt good- physically and emotionally, and I'm excited to keep on going.

It's week 3 and quitting is not an option.

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